If a NEW item is used, shrink wrap removed, contents of package missing etc. Please allow up to 48 hours for our response. We prosecute and cooperate in ALL cases of fraud without exception.
We will contact your local law enforcement, federal agencies, US Postal Inspection Service and your employer, if needed, to ensure compliance. Therefore, before attempting fraud, think of the consequences, it is NOT worth it. In the event of fraud, we will blacklist/block and report the device details to law enforcement. And does NOT mind a minor blemish. Missing inserts, booklets, other contents etc. FOR NEW ITEMS: Please see pictures and read full descriptions. Some items may have cover damage such as a bent edge or torn shrink wrap.FOR USED ITEMS: We sell Near Mint (NM), Very Good+ (VG+), or Very Good (VG) rated products. Not the cover or sleeves.
Cover or sleeves can have minor blemishes.